DRAMAtical Murder Wiki

Clear's Grandpa was the man who rescued and raised Clear as his son.[1]


Before the main events of the game, Clear served under Toue (his original master) along with his brothers α and α2. However, he ended up being defective and was supposed to be disposed of. However, the man who was in charge of the disposal saved and took him away. This man, later revealed to be the one Clear called his "grandfather", removed Clear's serial number and kept him a secret from Toue and his associates until his death. He treated Clear like his own son. Toue comments that he must have been a single, lonely man to go through all the trouble of hiding him. After his grandfather's death, Clear began living on his own, often taking long walks around the Old Resident District.


  • Clear buried him in a hill near the ocean.[2]
  • Clear watches Aoba as he sleeps due to his fear that he would not wake up again, since his grandfather passed away in his sleep.
  • Clear currently wears the same wristwatch his grandfather is shown wearing in his photograph, but the glass is now broken.

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 DRAMAtical Murder Re:Connect (Clear's Route)
  2. DRAMAtical Murder Summer Side Stories